Monday, January 21, 2019

Watering the Plant of Intimate Relationships

Today I want to talk about connection. It's something we all want more of and something that in today's culture, many of us are lacking. We lack real connection with friends, family members and even the people who are closest to us: our partners.

Our society doesn't set us up for making connection a priority. Sure there's phones, text messaging and social media, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about heart to heart connection that can only happen when the phones are put down and we can slow down enough to really take one another in.

If you have children, it only gets more challenging to create the space to connect. But what happens when we don't make connection a priority?

Our relationships are like plants that need proper nurturing to grow and without tending they whither and eventually die.

Recently I've been struggling with connection. My husband and I are the parents to an amazing (and rambunctious) two year old boy. I have a coaching business and also teach at a university. My husband has his own demanding job. Sometimes it can feel as if we are simply tag-team parenting and passing like ships in the night.

What we've realized is that we need to make more time to slow down and connect-- even if it means that the blog post doesn't get written or the house doesn't get cleaned. It's important to let go of perfection and make time to water the relationship.

Watering your relationship doesn't have to look like going out to a fancy dinner and a Broadway show (although it can). It can also be about taking ten minutes at the end of a busy day to sit down next to each other, check-in and have a few minutes of heart connection. It's can be about taking the extra ten seconds to hug and kiss your partner good-bye, rather than rushing out the door and yelling, "Love ya bye!"

When we make space for connection with our partners, everything gets easier. The connection lightens our load and helps us to remember that we're not doing it all alone. It helps us to reconnect with what made us fall in love with this person in the beginning. And it brings more of a lightness to the routine of every day life. It helps us connect to gratitude and when we are grateful for what we have, we see the world in an entirely different way.

What's one action you can take this week to slow down and connect with a partner or friend? Notice how it shifts your perception and makes you feel more full inside.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I'm Back!

Hello dear audience! I haven't posted to my blog in about two years and during that time, I've undergone massive changes both professionally and personally. The biggest thing that's happened in my life is that I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy-- who is now entering toddlerhood! Professionally during this time I completed a Transformational Coaching program with Leadership that Works.

With all of these changes, my area of focus has changed radically. Through lots of self-inquiry led by a longing for more fulfillment as well as an inner knowing, I've switched my area of focus to guiding highly sensitive people through periods of transition. I've been doing this work for over a year now and find it immensely gratifying and fulfilling.

My intention is to become more active in creating more content for my blog and website so that you, dear reader, have a sense of who I am and who I'm becoming.

In that vein, a poem of sorts came through me today that the fearless part of me feels compelled to share. I hope that it resonates with you and perhaps even gives you a moment of peace.

Inner Space

Can  you find stillness even in the chaos of living?
Can you allow the world to swirl around you...
And still remain steady?

If you can't... okay
Be with that.

Remember Rumi:
"This being human is a guest house..."
Wherever you are is okay.
Your awareness makes it okay.

When you don't allow for what is,
You get stuck.

What would it be like to accept your life
As it is?
What would it be like, to not need
The externals to change?
Can you allow yourself to breathe into
The swirling movement of life?

What would happen if you could let go?
What would you make room for?
A ray of joy perhaps....
More comfort with imperfection...

Make a bit of space for that right now...
What happens?

Sending you light and love,
