Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I'm Back!

Hello dear audience! I haven't posted to my blog in about two years and during that time, I've undergone massive changes both professionally and personally. The biggest thing that's happened in my life is that I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy-- who is now entering toddlerhood! Professionally during this time I completed a Transformational Coaching program with Leadership that Works.

With all of these changes, my area of focus has changed radically. Through lots of self-inquiry led by a longing for more fulfillment as well as an inner knowing, I've switched my area of focus to guiding highly sensitive people through periods of transition. I've been doing this work for over a year now and find it immensely gratifying and fulfilling.

My intention is to become more active in creating more content for my blog and website so that you, dear reader, have a sense of who I am and who I'm becoming.

In that vein, a poem of sorts came through me today that the fearless part of me feels compelled to share. I hope that it resonates with you and perhaps even gives you a moment of peace.

Inner Space

Can  you find stillness even in the chaos of living?
Can you allow the world to swirl around you...
And still remain steady?

If you can't... okay
Be with that.

Remember Rumi:
"This being human is a guest house..."
Wherever you are is okay.
Your awareness makes it okay.

When you don't allow for what is,
You get stuck.

What would it be like to accept your life
As it is?
What would it be like, to not need
The externals to change?
Can you allow yourself to breathe into
The swirling movement of life?

What would happen if you could let go?
What would you make room for?
A ray of joy perhaps....
More comfort with imperfection...

Make a bit of space for that right now...
What happens?

Sending you light and love,


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